About the Conference

A beautiful marriage between our past & our future

The shared goal is to build, sustain, and protect a safe platform to be heard and understood. We aspire to help lead our people into the future. 

The Problem

The Tech Industry is Missing:


People of color make up a low percentage of most tech organizations
- By 2044, groups formerly seen as “minorities” will reach majority status
- 26% of all Tech workers in Atlanta are Black


Black professionals don’t know the multiple entry points of the tech industry.
- By 2025 Millennials are predicted to make up 75% of the workforce

Diverse Culture

Unable to foster cultures that promote thought generation from different ethnic & professional backgrounds.
- 43% of companies with diverse boards noticed higher profits
- Racially & ethnically diverse companies are 35% more likely to perform

Black Professionals In Tech

Black Representation & Reporting Decreasing Over Time

Over the last six years, top tech companies have either seen a slight decrease in black representation or have stopped publishing their diversity data. Below are the black professionals in the 5 most notable tech companies today.


Our Solution

Improving Black Presence In Tech

No Excuses

Atlanta is becoming a tech hub & is home to the highest number of Blacks in tech. this presents a tremendous opportunity to develop business relationships in a sea of emerging talent and professionals. we will provide Exposure to top talent, allowing companies to pull directly from the source. 

The Challenge

We are often asked how to get into tech with the assumption becoming an engineer is the only way, due to lack of sight into transferable skills. We seek to solve this by creating community while cultivating a strong expansive network of black professionals to increase our presence and knowledge of the technology industry.

Representation Matters

You can’t be what you can’t see. We are creating a community in a space where black voices are small in a city/region where black voices are large.